Short Story 5

Mr Hill's stories
1 min readFeb 19, 2021

After a long hard day, a little boy put down his tired, weary head onto his soft, welcoming pillow. Like a graceful dive, he let sleep envelope him. Until, he heard a slow creak of the floorboards. The old, wooden handle of the door turned. He knew what was about to happen. “Mum,” John called out as light filled the room, “please don’t ask if-”
“Any prawns before sleep my darling, dearest boy,” the smell was overpowering and her booming, cheery voice was almost deafening, ”they’re piping hot and oh so tasty?”
John begged her to please let him sleep, but his cream and brown pillows were suddenly covered in bright, smelly pink prawns. “You love them!” screamed his mother, “here, have some more!” Some of these pink abominations from the dark, deep sea weren’t even cooked. They were crawling, hurriedly around his feet. With a start, the terrified, sweating boy in his clean bed awoke. He headed downstairs and saw his family already eating a very smelly breakfast. “What would you like for breakfast darling?” called out his smiling mother, “I’m afraid we’ve only really got one thing left.” Tears began to build in John’s eyes. The table was covered in them.



Mr Hill's stories

Losing my mind in lockdowns and beyond.