With fog surrounding the farmland, Michael, a young alien, swaggered out of his dented space ship…"I still want to destroy you," munched the Xakitronion, "Yes dear, do you have room for desert, oh and we've put your gun thingy in the…Apr 29, 2021Apr 29, 2021
The dry, vast shrubland was a canvas of deep burnt orange and thin dry grass.Gradually, the large grey rhinos got closer, their black and white eyes seemed alien and apathetic. The tour guide had warned both of them…Mar 7, 2021Mar 7, 2021
Fussy JohnJohn had eaten a bad egg, a really bad egg. Hungrily, he hadn’t thought about the mouldy shell or the green insides as he scoffed it down…Feb 23, 2021Feb 23, 2021
Short Story 7Scott the pirate looked out at the choppy, murky sea under his ship. Gradually, the great, experienced pirate under the Jolly Roger hauled…Feb 21, 2021Feb 21, 2021
Short Story 6 — WalliamsLong ago, a great, magical painter named Geoffrey roamed the land of England. Passionately, Geoffrey the great used his chisel, which was…Feb 20, 2021Feb 20, 2021
Short Story 5 — A story for Pe.Before you were born, before your grandparents were born and even before that, three toads lived near here, in a deep green forest, which…Feb 19, 2021Feb 19, 2021
Short Story 5After a long hard day, a little boy put down his tired, weary head onto his soft, welcoming pillow. Like a graceful dive, he let sleep…Feb 19, 2021Feb 19, 2021
Short story 4On a bright, sunny day in a glorious garden, a family of three robins were making three delicious pies. The tallest robin, who had brown…Feb 18, 2021Feb 18, 2021
Short story 3“With one final cry, the mighty battle was lost. Two brave warriors from the distant forest had been defeated by the muscular bear king…Feb 17, 2021Feb 17, 2021
Short story 2My feet were deep in the mud, but the wings of my family me was so overwhelmingly powerful I could feel the vibration in my whole body…Feb 16, 2021Feb 16, 2021